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Opening Hours
It is a public place can be seen at any time.

Ta' Tavlin

Ta' Tavlin (known by locals as Ta' Tablin) is an area rich with various architectural and historic features, including amongst other things an old street lamp bracket still fixed at the corner of one of the alleys (Sqaq John Borg). The visitors can see the country house and its garden built by the Testaferrata Bonici family within this area. Nowadays are private residences. In Triq San Ġwann there is also id-Dar tal-Falkunier (the Falconer’s House) and in of the serpent alleys there is the il-loġġja (covered alley), Sqaq San Ġwann Nru. 7. Here there is also bronze bust of il-Bies, one of the local għanejja (folk singers), who lived in the area.


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